Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Aegis gives his impressions of TS3...alone and late. But better late than never...right?

I'll come right out and say it, movies never make me cry! Sure I might get sad over a movie but I can't ever remember shedding a tear over something in a film. But alas, Toy Story 3 has broken that spell and I'm not afraid to admit that I bawled. For someone like me who literally grew up with the franchise (I was 5 when TS1 first hit theaters) TS3 is a blast of nostalgia right from the opening scenes. I was sitting in the theater mouthing the dialogue in the beginning of the movie because it was all stuff used in the previous film ("I brought my Dinosaur! Who eats force field dogs" Anyone?) This certainly wasn't a bad thing though. While most of the movie itself wasn't too heart-wrenching, it was the ending dialogue that made me lose it. I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it but for those who have you know what I mean. TS3 is a masterpiece and in my opinion one of the best films of the year. It takes everything we loved about our childhood and shows us what happens when we,sadly grow too old for our toys. Now let's dig into this movie a little deeper.

I'm not going to spoil anything here but if you've seen the trailers than you know the basic plot. The toys get donated to a day care instead of being put in the attic. Woody goes to save them, etc. It starts like a Toy Story film but evolves into more of a prison break style of film. I thought the story was really well written, even though it was a bit dark at times, especially towards the end. Thankfully in true Pixar fashion the films ends on a happy note.

All your favorite toys from the first two films come back and they're more or less the same so I won't go into detail about them. The new toys however I found to be really cool. The ones that stuck out in my mind were Lotso, Trixie, and Totoro (Yes the same Totoro from the Miyazaki films). Losto is a extra stuffed 1980's pink teddy bear who smells like strawberries. He was a very interesting character but since I don't want to spoil anything I won't say why i liked him exactly. Trixie is a Plastic Triceratops who belongs to a girl named Bonnie, who's Mother works at the day care. Trixie is like a female Rex only she's more braver. She also seems to be the only toy in Bonnie's room who can use the computer (No idea how that works considering she doesn't have fingers.) Finally we get to the show stealer, Totoro. Sadly he doesn't have any speaking line, he just stands there and smiles. I thought it was a nice shout out to Miyazaki and it was cool seeing him included as a character even if he didn't do anything important story wise.

2D or 3D?
I'm not a fan of 2D but I wanted to see this film in iMax so I had no choice. Unfortunately I saw TS3 the same day the dreaded abortion known as Twilight Eclipse came out so that movie was in iMax theater instead. Either way a movie is a movie. I don't believe that 3D makes a film better, if anything it just makes your eyes hurt. I recommend 2D just because it's more comfortable. No stupid glasses here!

Final Thoughts:
   If you haven't seen this film yet than run to your nearest theater and check it out. If you're a TS fan you'll love it. If you're not then well I thin you'll still love it. It's touching, action packed, and filled to the brim with easter eggs and cameos, like every good Pixar film should be.

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